SkyNet Software Apps

SrboDroid 1.0
TEXT KOPIRAN SA Srbodroid je informativni portal nakojem ćemo vas obaveštavati o aktuelnostima vezanim za Androidplatformu, modelima telefona sa Androidom, aplikacijama i servisimakoje možete koristiti kao i svim interesantnim temama iz Androidekosistema. * Aplikacija radi offline, dovoljno je da jedno ucitatesadržaj, koji posle možete čitati i kada nemate uključen internetAplikacija je besplatna, bez reklama i "in-app purchase"-a
DTS Widget - No Root 1.0.1
Widget that allows you to double-tap on your home screen to lockyour device. No root is required. Perfect solution for users whosedevice supports double tapping to wake/sleep but want to use customlauncher that doesn't have this feature. For this to work you mustenable this app as Device Administrator Completely free, not ads oranything Enjoy This app uses the Device Administrator permission.
SQL Master 1.0.1
SQL Master is All-in-one databasemanagerapplication.SQL Master supports SQLite, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and weareadding support for more databases.You can connect to remote MySQL/PostgreSQL database directlyfromyour android deviceCloud BackupBackup application setting and database access information tothecloud. You information is safe, database credentials areencryptedwith 256bit AES encryption, and transferred via SSL toremoteserver.Material DesignEnjoy material design. Beautiful colors, animations andsmoothtransitions between screens...Fetures:* SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL* SQL Syntax Highlighting* Cloud Backup* Backup credentials encryption* History for used queries and viewed databases* SearchIf you like SQL Master please write a nice review, it wouldmeana lot.If you have any question/problem feel free to contact us.
Visual Traceroute 1.0
Visualize traceroute on the map
Movie Notifications 1.0.0-build266
Get notification when your favorite move has been releasedViewrelease types (BlueRay, DVD...)
Linpack 1.0.2
Standard Linpack Benchmark App The LINPACK Benchmarks are ameasureof a system’s floating point computing power. Introduced byJackDongarra, they measure how fast a computer solves a dense N byNsystem of linear equations Ax = b, which is a common taskinengineering. The solution is obtained by Gaussian eliminationwithpartial pivoting, with 2/3*N3 + 2*N2 floating point operations.Theresult is reported in Millions of FLoating-point OperationsPerSecond (MFLOP/s, sometimes simply called FLOPS). Test how fastyourdevice is. Support for Single Thread and Multi ThreadApplicationwill save previous results Screenshots are fromemulator, thus solow results